
Sudan takes steps to strengthen the safeguarding of its living heritage
Workshop on preparing requests for international assistance and nominations to the Lists of the 2003 Convention
Training Workshop on the Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding Measures and Project Management in Eastern Sudan States (Red Sea, Kassala and Gedaref states)
Workshop on the Implementation of the 2003 Convention on the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage – in three East Sudan States (Red sea, Kassala, Gedaref)
Training on inventorying and technical assistance for setting up an inventory framework
Workshop on implementation of the 2003 Convention for decision makers
Workshop on implementation of the 2003 Convention for national experts, local associations and communities

Capacity-building projects in Comoros, Egypt, Palestine and Sudan

The Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund supports various safeguarding measures in Africa!

Progress in implementing an eight-country capacity-building project in the Arab States and Africa
ADTCA needs assessment in Sudan
Evaluación de necesidades para fortalecer las capacidades nacionales en la implementación de la Convención para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial en Sudán

Planning for national capacity building strategies in eight countries in Africa and the Arab Region: South Sudan needs assessment completed