Decisión de la Mesa: 7.COM 1.BUR 1

The Bureau,

  1. Recalling Article 23 of the Convention,
  2. Further recalling chapter I.1 of the Operational Directives related to the inscription of intangible cultural heritage elements on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding and I.4 related to eligibility and selection criteria of international assistance requests,
  3. Having examined Document ITH/11/7.COM 1.BUR/1, as well as the preparatory assistance requests for the elaboration of nomination files submitted by Honduras, the Syrian Arab Republic and Uganda,


  1. Notes that the Government of Honduras requests preparatory assistance in the amount of US$10,000 for elaborating a nomination file for the Urgent Safeguarding List entitled ‘Myths, stories and language of the Tolupan people, Montaña de la Flor, Honduras’ and that the Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia will be responsible for preparing the nomination file in collaboration with the Federation of Xicaques Tribes (FETRIXI);
  2. Takes further note that the requested funds will be used primarily to hire an anthropologist who will complete research and fieldwork within the concerned remote areas and to organize consultation meetings with community leaders and members, including the participation of FETRIXI representatives;
  3. Considers that the requested amount and the proposed timetable adequately reflect the activities planned to elaborate the nomination file;
  4. Notes that the requesting State shares the costs of the proposed activities and that the Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia is not in default of any previous contract with UNESCO;
  5. Decides to approve preparatory assistance in the amount of US$10,000;
  6. Requests the Secretariat to reach agreement with the requesting party on the technical details of the preparatory assistance, including a revised timetable.


  1. Notes that the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic requests preparatory assistance in the amount of U$10,670 for elaborating a nomination for the Urgent Safeguarding List entitled ‘Karakoz wa Ewas Shadow Theatre in Syria’ and that the Department of Popular Heritage of the Ministry of Culture will be responsible for preparing the nomination file with the collaboration of a researcher who has previously worked on this topic;
  2. Takes further note that the requested funds will pay for the travel expenses of a researcher and a documentarian who will conduct interviews with current performers and families of deceased performers, for the organization of public lectures and public performances of Karakoz wa Ewas and the video production and editing;
  3. Considers that the requested amount and the proposed timetable adequately reflect the activities planned to elaborate the nomination file;
  4. Notes that the requesting State reasonably shares the costs of the proposed activities and that the Department of Popular Heritage of the Ministry of Culture is not in default of any previous contract with UNESCO;
  5. Decides to approve preparatory assistance in the amount of US$10,670;
  6. Requests the Secretariat to reach agreement with the requesting party on the technical details of the preparatory assistance, including a revised timetable.


  1. Notes that the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic requests preparatory assistance in the amount of U$15,505 for elaborating a nomination for the Urgent Safeguarding List entitled ‘Silk reeling on the Arab Wheel in Syria’ and that the Department of Popular Heritage of the Ministry of Culture will be responsible for preparing the nomination file with the collaboration of a researcher, a photographer and a filmmaker who have experiences with the concerned communities;
  2. Takes further note that the requested funds will be used for fieldtrips for the researcher, film crew and photographer to conduct interviews and document all stages of the silk making process, and create the final film documentation, including fees for the director, staff, and informants, and costs of equipment, editing, and subtitling, as well as for a marketing study conducted to determine marketability of the silk products;
  3. Considers that the requested amount and the proposed timetable adequately reflect the activities planned to elaborate the nomination file;
  4. Notes that the requesting State reasonably shares the costs of the proposed activities and that the Department of Popular Heritage of the Ministry of Culture is not in default of any previous contract with UNESCO;
  5. Decides to approve preparatory assistance in the amount of US$15,505;
  6. Requests the Secretariat to reach agreement with the requesting party on the technical details of the preparatory assistance, including a revised timetable.


  1. Notes that the Government of Uganda requests preparatory assistance request in the amount of U$8,570 for elaborating a nomination for the Urgent Safeguarding List entitled ‘The male-child cleansing ceremony of the Lango people of North Central Uganda (Dwoko Atin Awobi lot)’ and that the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development will be responsible for preparing the nomination file in collaboration with Dokolo District Local Government;
  2. Takes further note that the requested funds will be used primarily to bring together the concerned communities at every stage of the elaboration process and to complete research and fieldwork including recording and documentation, filming and production of video;
  3. Considers that the requested amount and the proposed timetable adequately reflect the activities planned to elaborate the nomination file;
  4. Notes that the requesting State shares the costs of the proposed activities and that the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development is not in default of any previous contract with UNESCO;
  5. Decides to approve preparatory assistance in the amount of US$8,570;
  6. Requests the requesting State to further detail its contribution to the activities for which the preparatory assistance is requested, including in-kind contributions;
  7. Requests the Secretariat to reach agreement with the requesting party on the technical details of the preparatory assistance, including a revised timetable.
