Accredited NGOs located in this country
The list of accredited NGOs is presented below, along with corresponding accreditation forms. You can search the list using the criteria provided on the right.
3 organizations or institutions match your query. | |
Name, address and source | Accreditation |
Bayerischer Landesverein für Heimatpflege e. V. Bavarian association for cultural heritage [en] Ludwigstrasse 23 Rgb. 80539 München Germany URL: Tel.: +49 89 286629-0; +49 89 286629-16 |
Next report due 2029
DetailsAccredited in 2020 (Request: English/German) - No. 90438 Decision-making meeting: 8.GA - 2020 |
Bund Heimat und Umwelt in Deutschland, Bundesverband für Kultur, Natur und Heimat e.V. Federal Organisation of the Local Heritage Organisations in Germany [en] Adenauerallee 68 53113 Bonn Germany URL: Tel.: +49 22 822 40 91 ; +49 22 822 40 92 |
Next report due 2025
DetailsRenewed in 2021 (Activity report: English) Accredited in 2016 (Request: English) - No. 90353 Decision-making meeting: 6.GA - 2016 |
Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks (ZDH) German Confederation of Skilled Crafts ans Small Buisinesses [en] Mohrenstraße 20/21 10117 Berlin Germany Tel.: 49 30 20619-0; +49 30 20619-335 |
Next report due 2027
DetailsRenewed in 2023 (Activity report: English) Accredited in 2018 (Request: English/German) - No. 90413 Decision-making meeting: 7.GA - 2018 |