National institutions
Permanent Delegation of the Plurinational State of Bolivia to UNESCO
Maison de l'UNESCO
Bureau B. 8.38
1, rue Miollis
Paris Cedex 15
Paris Cedex 15
[javascript protected email address]
Bolivian National Commission for UNESCO
Ministerio de Relaciones Internacionales
Avenida Arce No 2147
La Paz
La Paz
[javascript protected email address]
This country did not designate yet any national authority in charge of the use of the emblem of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Meanwhile, please contact the permanent delegation.
Read more on the use the emblem
UNESCO's contacts
UNESCO Office in Quito
Veintimilla E9-53 entre Plaza y Tamayo
Culture Program officer:César Moreno-Triana ([javascript protected email address])
Regional officer
UNESCO headquarters (ICH Section)Regional officer:
Peredo Leandro ([javascript protected email address])