on of nomination files to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists will be held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 21 to 25 October 2013. Conducted by the UNESCO-trained facilitators, Suzanne Ogge from Australia and Rahul Goswani from India, the event is the final of a series of three capacity building events over the last 18 months aimed at the saf...
21 October 2013 - 25 October 2013>Phnom Penh
Cambodia reorienting its methods of inventorying living heritage
Cambodia reorienting its methods of inventorying living heritage,Cambodia-reorienting-its-methods-of-inventorying-living-heritage,Great efforts are underway to reorient Cambodia’s methods of inventorying living heritage. Thanks to the global UNESCO Programme to build capacity for the implementation of the Convention, the Government is reinforcing...
Cambodia6 March 2013>
Intangible Heritage: Cambodia will receive financial support for the urgent safeguarding of Chapei Dang Veng musical tradition,Intangible-Heritage:-Cambodia-will-receive-financial-support-for-the-urgent-safeguarding,''Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)'' — The Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Her...
Cambodia29 November 2016>
Cambodia and Samoa on the right track to safeguard their rich intangible cultural heritage
Cambodia and Samoa on the right track to safeguard their rich intangible cultural heritage,Cambodia-and-Samoa-on-the-right-track-to-safeguard-their-rich-intangible-cultural,UNESCO continues to assist several countries of the Asia-Pacific region in safeguarding their intangible cultural heritage. Thanks to the generous support of the Government of J...
Cambodia, Samoa
22 October 2013>
Cambodia pursues its march towards safeguarding intangible heritage
Many ICH elements in Cambodia are in danger of disappearing, mainly due to the long-lasting conflicts, the declining number of ICH practitioners and lack of interest from the younger generation. Having ratified the 2003 Convention, the Cambodian Government has expressed its commitment to identify ICH elements still being practiced and to safeguard...
13 August 2012 - 17 August 2012>Phnom Penh
Cultural practices and expressions linked to Krama, a traditional woven textile in Cambodia
inscribed,Cultural practices and expressions linked to Krama, a traditional woven textile in Cambodia Krama is a woven textile associated with traditional practices and cultural expressions of the daily life in Cambodia. A rectangular cloth made of either cotton or silk, krama features a variety of grid-pattern motifs. The white, yellow, red and bl...
CambodiaCambodia reorienting its methods of inventorying living heritage
Cambodia is reinforcing a community-based focus in its existing and new efforts to document and inventory living heritage. For this purpose and with generous funding from Japan, over 35 participants came together in Siem Reap from 14 to 21 February this year to build their knowledge and develop this new approach. UNESCO provided the substantive su...
14 February 2013 - 21 February 2013>Phnom Penh
The Committee Takes note that Cambodia has nominated Long-necked lute and epic singing in Cambodia for inscription on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, described as follows: Chapey Dang Veng is the Cambodian long-necked lute that lends its name to an epic singing tradition. The lute not only provides the epi...
29 November 2011>Bali
,Royal ballet of Cambodia Renowned for its graceful hand gestures and stunning costumes, the Royal Ballet of Cambodia, also known as Khmer Classical Dance, has been closely associated with the Khmer court for over one thousand years. Performances would traditionally accompany royal ceremonies and observances such as coronations, marriages, funerals...
Cambodiat generously financed by the Government of Japan aimed at assisting eight countries, namely Bhutan, Cambodia, Mongolia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Sri Lanka and Timor Leste to safeguard their intangible cultural heritage through the effective implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. It aim...
Benefitting country(ies) : Bhutan Cambodia Mongolia Nepal Papua New Guinea Samoa Sri Lanka Timor-Leste1 November 2011 - 1 May 2014>