Resolution of the General Assembly: 1.GA 5B

The General Assembly,

  1. Noting that at 30 May 2006 50 States had deposited their instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval,
  2. Also noting that at 30 August 2006 the Convention will have entered into force in 50 States,
  3. Recalling Article 5.2 of the Convention which provides that the number of States Members of the Committee shall be increased to 24 once the number of the States Parties to the Convention reaches 50,
  4. Further recalling Article 6.5 which stipulates that the General Assembly shall elect as many States Members of the Committee as are required to fill vacancies;
  5. Decides to convene an extraordinary session of the General Assembly at UNESCO Headquarters during the 175th session of the Executive Board for the purpose of electing six additional States Members of the Intergovernmental Committee from among all States Parties, on the understanding that half of them will be chosen by lot to serve a limited term of office, in the spirit of Article 6.3 of the Convention.
