Children dressed in the Rukavac bell ringers outfits
© 2008 by Ministry of Culture
3 May 2012

How to build on the multidimensional aspects of the intangible cultural heritage and stimulate innovative and creative approaches to intangible cultural heritage safeguarding while enhancing sustainable development and dialogue in the region? Several South-East Europe initiatives are seeking ways to address these questions.

First through the annual regional meeting of experts from South-East Europe on Intangible Cultural Heritage “Promoting a shared vision of intangible cultural heritage in South-East Europe” on 10 and 11 May 2012 in Athens, a contribution to the Director-General’s flagship initiative “Culture: a bridge to development”. This regional meeting will also discuss future capacity-building activities to be developed jointly with the new category 2 regional centre on intangible cultural heritage, officially inaugurated in Sofia, Bulgaria, in February 2012.

A few days after, from 21 to 27 May in Sarajevo, community-based inventorying of intangible cultural heritage will be the focus of a workshop bringing together experts, NGOs, community members, local authorities and government officials to strengthen the capacities of relevant stakeholders to inventory intangible cultural heritage following a community-based approach.

Last but not least, the annual conference of South-East Europe ministers of culture to be held on 10 and 11 September 2012 in Sofia will focus on “Intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development”.

South-East Europe is tuned in the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage!
