International Assistance requests up to US$100,000 (18.COM 1.BUR, March 2023)

The requests and background documents (initial requests and additional information letters) are presented in the table below.

Files to be evaluated (3)

State(s)Title as submittedDocuments
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EN: Sustaining Seperu folk dance and associated practices

FR: Soutien à la danse populaire seperu et de ses pratiques associées

Amount (US$):  94,447

Assistance Request (BUR)

Core documents
Request form ICH-04:English|French

23 Jan 2023
Budget and timetable:English|French

23 Jan 2023
Background documents

31 Mar 2023
Additional information request:English

28 Nov 2022
Budget and timetable:English

02 Sep 2022
Request form ICH-04:English

02 Sep 2022
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Central African Republic

EN: Pilot inventory of the intangible cultural heritage of the communities of the Lobaye forest prefecture

FR: Inventaire pilote du patrimoine culturel immatériel des communautés de la préfecture forestière de Lobaye

Amount (US$):  99,997

Assistance Request (BUR)

Core documents
Request form ICH-04:English|French

23 Jan 2023
Budget and timetable:English|French

23 Jan 2023

05 Jun 2023
Background documents
Request form ICH-04:French

23 Jan 2023
Decision (2021):French04 Oct 2021
Request form ICH-04 (2021):English|French21 Jun 2021
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South Sudan

EN: Development of an inventory of intangible cultural heritage in South Sudan

FR: Élaboration d’un inventaire du patrimoine culturel immatériel au Soudan du Sud

Amount (US$):  99,474

Assistance Request (BUR)

Core documents
Request form ICH-04 - Resubmitted:English|French

10 Mar 2023
Budget and timetable - Resubmitted:English|French

10 Mar 2023
Background documents
Decision - Decision (2020):English|French

21 Sep 2020
Request form ICH-04:English|French

30 Apr 2020
Budget and timetable:English|French

20 Feb 2020