19 November 2012 - 23 October 2012


Youth Forum in Central Africa: awareness-raising on Intangible Cultural Heritage

19 November 2012 - 23 October 2012
Capacity-building workshop

Central Africa is organizing a forum form 19-23 November 2012 in Brazzaville, Congo to give a sense of responsibility to the young generation. It will bring together young people from Congo, from the Republic of Central Africa and from Chad.

Youth represent the majority of the population in Central Africa, so their role in the revival of culture practices and knowledge systems in the region is important. Intangible cultural heritage is crucial for sustainable development and it has a long-term impact on people’s well-being, their relationships with others and with their natural environment. It gives people a sense of belonging, happiness and perspective. For that reason, intangible heritage has to be safeguarded in the interest of the future generations. Collaboration with youth is therefore essential, notably in a context of restricted access to education, economic opportunities and increasing violence.

This is why UNESCO makes youth a priority within the framework of its global capacity-building strategy for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage through effective implementation of the 2003 Convention. Funded by the UNESCO Emergency Fund; the Youth Forum in Central Africa is organized and coordinated by the UNESCO office in Yaoundé in close partnership with the Intangible Cultural Heritage Section at UNESCO headquarters.
