17 June 1985 - 25 June 1985


Intergovernmental Committee of the Universal Copyright Convention as Revised at Paris on 24 July 1971; 6th session; Paris; 1985

17 June 1985 - 25 June 1985
Intergovernmental conference

In pursuance of decision 5.6.2 adopted by the Executive Board of Unesco at its 116th Session (Spring 1983), a decision of which the General Conference took note at its twenty-second session (October 1983), the Director-General convened the Second Committee of Governmental Experts on the Safeguarding of Folklore at Unesco Headquarters from 14 to 18 January 1985.

The Committee, whose terms of reference were to carry out a thorough study of the possible range and scope of general regulations concerning the safeguarding of folklore, analysed the various aspects involved in the safeguarding of folklore and adopted certain possible solutions as the conclusions of its proceedings.

The Committee also discussed the nature of the instrument that might be drawn up, should the General Conference of Unesco decide that the adoption of such an instrument was advisable, and the role that Unesco might play in facilitating the safeguarding of folklore.

With regard to the nature of possible international regulations, the Committee was of the opinion that these should not take the form of an international convention. On the other hand, there was unanimous agreement that they might take the form of an international recommendation, this being a flexible instrument whereby the General Conference formulates principles that it invites Member States to adopt in the form of a national law or in some other way.


  • General regulation for the safeguarding of folklore
    IGC(1971)/VI/19; CPY.85/CONF.002/COL.9: English
  • Protection of expressions of folklore, pt. I: present status of the work in progress at the regional level
    IGC(1971)/VI/12(Part I); B/EC/XXIV/11 (Part I); CP: English
  • Protection of expressions of folklore: report of the Group of Experts on the International Protection of Expressions of Folklore by Intellectual Property
    IGC(1971)/VI/12/Part II; CPY.85/CONF.002/COL.5; B/: English
