12 December 1983 - 16 December 1983


Intergovernmental Committee of the Universal Copyright Convention as Revised at Paris on 24 July 1971; 5th session; Geneva; 1983. International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Executive Committee; 22nd session; Paris; 1983

12 December 1983 - 16 December 1983
Intergovernmental conference

The Working Group on the Intellectual Property Aspects of Folklore Protection that had met in Geneva from 7 to 9 January 1980 had recommended that both Secretariats endeavour to inventory possible ways and means of protecting folklore at the regional level.

In order to give effect to that recommendation, and in accordance with the approved programmes and budgets of Unesco and WIPO for 1981-1983 and 1982-1983 respectively, these two organizations convened three Committees of Experts on the means of implementation at the regional level of model provisions of national legislation on the intellectual property aspects of folklore protection.

These regional Committees of Experts met in Bogotá (14 to 16 October 1981), New Delhi (31 January to 2 February 1983) and Dakar (23 to 25 February 1983).

Their reports were presented to the Intergovernmental Committee of the Universal Copyright Convention at this meeting.


  • Model provisions for national laws on the protection of expressions of folklore against illicit exploitation and other prejudicial actions, with a commentary
    IGC(1971)/V/14; B/EC/XXII/14: soon available
  • Protection of folklore: present status of the work in progress at the international level and on an interdisciplinary basis designed to safeguard the existence and development of folklore and to protect it against risk of distortion
    IGC(1971)/V/16: English
  • Protection of folklore: present status of the work in progress at the regional level
    IGC(1971)/V/15; B/EC/XXII/15; Unesco/OMPI/FOLK/LAC: English
