10 December 1975 - 16 December 1975


Intergovernmental Committee of the Universal Copyright Convention as Revised at Paris on 24 July 1971; 1st extraordinary session; Geneva; 1975

10 December 1975 - 16 December 1975
Intergovernmental conference

The Director-General of Unesco transmitted to the Intergovernmental Copyright Committee of the Universal Convention adopted in 1952, at its twelfth ordinary session (Paris, December 1973), the communication which he had received on 22 May 1973 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religion of the Republic of Bolivia (No. D.G.O.I.1006-79) together with an explanatory memorandum, proposing that the possibility of establishing an international instrument for the protection of the folk arts and cultural heritage of the various nations of the world should be examined at the international level (document IGC/XII/12).

At the close of its consideration of this subject, the Intergovernmental Copyright Committee decided to entrust the Unesco Secretariat with the task of studying this problem and reporting thereon to the Committee and to the Executive Committee of the Berne Union at their forthcoming sessions (see Report of the twelfth ordinary session of the Intergovernmental Copyright Committee, document IGC/XII/17, paragraph 103).

Pursuant to that decision, the Secretariat of Unesco submits to the Intergovernmental Copyright Committee and the Executive Committee of the Berne Union, in an annex to this report, a study on the desirability of providing protection for folklore at the international level.


  • Consideration of the possiblility of establishing an international instrument for the protection of folklore
    B/EC/IX/11; IGC/XR.1/1971/15; LA.75/CONF.002/COL.6: English
  • Report
    IGC/XR.1/1971/17; LA.75/CONF.002/COL.16: English
