21 March 2006 - 22 March 2006


Expert meeting on Identification of Intangible Heritage in Sudan

21 March 2006 - 22 March 2006
Expert meeting

This expert meeting provided an opportunity for experts from northern and southern Sudan to learn more about the methodology used in the inventorying of intangible cultural heritage. This event was part of the Culture programme “Strengthening respect for cultural diversity towards intercultural dialogue and reconciliation in Sudan”, which was approved in the 2006 UN Work Plan for Sudan.

  • Agenda (English)
  • List of participants (English)
  • Final report and recommendations (English)
  • Presentations of experts:
    • Mr Abdal Rahman: Safeguarding and Revitalizing Craftsmanship in Sudan (English)
    • Mr Abdelrahim Mugaddam: Language situation in Blue Nile (English)
    • Mr Al-Amin Abu-Manga: Linguistic Diversity and Language Endangerment in Sudan (English)
    • Mr Ali Al-Daw: Music for peace (English)
    • Mr Ali Osman: Eskale Water Wheel in the Eyes of a Nubian (English)
    • Ms Asia Mahgoub El-Hindi: Fashoda as a Cultural Space (English)
    • Mr Farah Eisa Mohamed: AL Zariba Cultural Space (English)
    • Mr Girham Abdelgadir: Tourism and Peace: With Special Reference to Nuba Wrestling and Stick Fighting (English)
    • Mr Idris Salem: The Maseed and the Sheikh: an Intangible Cultural Heritage (English)
    • Mr Joshua Ojwok Yor: The installation of the Reth of the Shilluk Kwongo Dak Padiet (English)
    • Mr Large: Preserving and Accessing Knowledge in a Digital Age: The Sudan Open Archive (English)
    • Ms Metje Postma: Audiovisual cultural records: supporting communities in the process of safeguarding their intangible heritage
    • Mr Mohamed El-Mahdi Bushra: Endangered cultures: a case study Merowe Dam (English)
    • Mr Mohammed Haroun Kafi: Role of African God-Man in the Nuba mountains community of Sudan (English)
    • Mr Sayyid Hurreiz: Al Sagia: a Masterpiece of Technological and Socio-economic development (English
    • Mr Yousif Madani: Craftmanship: a Heritage of Cultural Syncretism and National Identity (English)
