Uses of hopscotch in multicultural, intergenerational co-existence education

Lichman, Simon
Lichman, S. 2015. Uses of hopscotch in multicultural, intergenerational co-existence education. Journal of Folklore and Education. Vol. 2. Pp. 3-13.
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Africa, Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and North America, Latin America and the Caribbean

This article presents a case study of an educational programme designed and implemented by the Centre for Creativity in Education and Cultural Heritage in Israel. Arab and Jewish elementary school classes were paired with each other, allowing students to meet regularly over a period of two years to explore various intangible cultural heritage-related themes: play, song, dance, foodways, religion and family stories. In particular, the traditional game of hopscotch was used to enable cultural exchange among the children. They were first taught about folklore before exploring the many versions of hopscotch known by the students. Rather than agreeing upon ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ versions of the pastime, they learned to acknowledge multiple versions of the game. The children then engaged with parents and grandparents to hear how play has changed over time, culminating in intergenerational, cross-cultural sessions where various versions of hopscotch were taught and played together.
