Decision of the Bureau: 6.COM 2.BUR 4

The Bureau,

  1. Having examined document ITH/11/6.COM 2.BUR/4 and its annex,
  2. Having considered the progress of the planned activities in the spending plan for ‘other functions of the Committee’ under the Plan for the use of the resources of the Fund for the period 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2011 as presented in document ITH/11/6.COM 1.BUR/1;
  3. Recalling Resolution 3.GA 8 and Decision 4.COM 10;
  4. Authorizes the expenditures specified in that document and its annex;
  5. Requests the Secretariat to report, for each activity, on the progress of the implementation and the way the funds are spent;
  6. Invites the Chairperson of the Committee to bring this decision to the attention of the Committee.


Spending plan for the funds allocated for other functions of the Committee
under the Plan
for the use of the resources of the Fund

January – June 2012







Finalization of training materials (ratification, implementation, USL nominations, community-based inventorying) and development of additional materials (RL nominations and IA requests; NGOs; photo/video documentation)



Content development

professional services



Design and production of materials in different languages

professional services, including translation, design, printing and fabrication services



Institutional capacity-building in Africa



Workshop to strengthen the capacities in the field of intangible cultural heritage of an African training institution of heritage managers

travel and subsistence of staff from the institution; travel and subsistence of training staff from UNESCO, meeting facilities and equipment, external trainers’ services and expenses, reproduction of course materials, local travel, hospitality, communications, shipment, temporary administrative assistance



Development and implementation of activities and measures to promote and disseminate programmes, projects and activities selected by the Committee as best reflecting the principles and objectives of the Convention



Research, documentation, publication and dissemination of one or two best practices already selected by the Committee or to be selected by the 6COM

professional services for content development, text preparation, translation, design and layout in English and French, printing and distribution costs



Publication of Urgent Safeguarding List, Representative List, and Register of Best Practices



Publication of cumulative brochures on the elements inscribed on the Representative List and the Urgent Safeguarding List and the best practices selected by the Committee in 2010 and 2011

professional services for text preparation, revision, proof-reading, translation, iconography, graphic design and layout in English and French; printing and distribution costs



Publication of a leaflet presenting the elements inscribed the elements inscribed on the Representative List and the Urgent Safeguarding List and the best practices selected by the Committee in 2011

professional services for text preparation, revision, proof-reading, translation, iconography, graphic design and layout in English and French; printing and distribution costs



Information management services



1) enhancement of the backbone of the ICH website
2) enhancement of the automated system for the management of requests for the use of the ICH emblem

professional services during 6 months






