Clay, food and Art in Balkan culture. School of History of Popular Tradition
O.R.S. Osservatorio Ricerca Sociale. Centro studi, politiche e ricerche sociali - APS 08/10-11-2024 (Italy)

Clay, food and Art in Balkan culture. School of History of Popular Tradition

O.R.S. association (accredited NGO UNESCO) organizes “Clay, food and Art in Balkan culture” that it is part of the School of History of Popular Traditions (IX edition) in southern Salento (Apulia Region, Italy). It is an international training school that aims to safeguard and enhance intangible cultural heritage through an interdisciplinary approach (anthropology, museography, research, education, visual and performing arts, crafts, music, etc.).

This year, the school reflects and analyzes the universe of clay connected to food in Puglia, comparing itself with South America, Armenia, the Balkans and China, through anthropological research, eco-sustainable and tourism perspectives.
The focus is on “food and clay” not only in a material sense - as preparation, conservation and consumption practices in kitchen - but above all in an intangible sense that satiates the knowledge of the soul, as well as a unifying factor, freedom of expression, a precious resource of communion, intercultural dialogue and peace between peoples.

The events of 7-8-9 November 2024 are organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Minervino di Lecce and the Stoyna Krastanova foundation (accredited NGO UNESCO): three days of intercultural exchange to safeguard, transmit and reflect the Bulgarian and Salento cultural heritage through discussion of anthropological researches, experiential workshops, exhibition on intangible cultural heritage, traditional dishes and visual art.

Text as provided by the organiser(s).
