Resolution of the General Assembly: 7.GA 10

The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined document ITH/18/7.GA/10 Rev.,
  2. Welcomes the reform of the periodic reporting process initiated by the Committee and endorses its decision to move towards a regional cycle of reporting;
  3. Approves the amendments to the Operational Directives as annexed to this resolution.


152. States Parties submit their periodic reports to the Committee by 15 December every six years on the basis of a rotation region by region. The order of such rotation is established by the Committee at the beginning of the six-year periodic reporting cycle. States Parties use the periodic reporting process to enhance the monitoring measures, as well as active regional exchange and cooperation to ensure efficient safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage. Form ICH-10 is used for such reports, it may be completed online by each State Party (, and is revised at appropriate intervals by the Secretariat.

159. States Parties shall respond, in a timely manner, to specific requests addressed to them by the Committee for additional information, if needed and independently of the regional cycle set out by the Committee, in compliance with paragraph 152 above.

161. Such reports shall normally be submitted to the Committee by 15 December of the fourth year following the year in which the element was inscribed, and every fourth year thereafter. Form ICH-11 is used for such reports, it may be completed online by each State Party (, and is revised at appropriate intervals by the Secretariat. At the time of inscription, the Committee may establish a specific timetable for reporting on a case-by-case basis, which will take precedence over the normal four-year cycle.

162. The State Party shall pay special attention to the role of gender and shall report on the current status of the element, including:

  1. its social and cultural functions;
  2. an assessment of its viability and the current risks it faces;
  3. the impacts of the efforts to safeguard the element, particularly the implementation of the safeguarding plan that was submitted at the time of nomination;
  4. an update of the safeguarding plan included in the nomination file or in the previous report;
  5. the participation of communities, groups and individuals as well as relevant non-governmental organizations in safeguarding the element and their continued commitment to its further safeguarding.

166. The Secretariat transmits to the Committee an overview of all reports received in compliance with paragraph 152 four weeks prior to its session. The overview is also made available online for public consultation, together with the reports received in compliance with paragraphs 152 and 161, in the language in which they were submitted by the States Parties, unless the Committee decides otherwise in exceptional cases.

167. Deleted.

168. Paragraphs 157–159 and 165–166 of these directives shall apply fully to States non party to the Convention that have in their territories items proclaimed as Masterpieces incorporated on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and that have consented to accept the rights and obligations attendant thereon.

169. Such reports shall be submitted to the Committee by States non party by 15 December 2014, and every sixth year thereafter. Form ICH-10 is used for such reports, it may be completed online by each State Party (, and is revised at appropriate intervals by the Secretariat.
