Patronage request

The activities below have received the patronage of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The reports received by the Secretariat of the Convention on these activities are sometimes accompanied by additional information (press releases, etc..), which can be requested from Secretariat at

Carnival of Oruro
01/03/2025 - 02/03/2025Oruro
Minisrry of Foreign Affairs of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (Bolivia (Plurinational State of))

The Oruro Carnival is one of the most emblematic festivities in Bolivia, recognized not only for its cultural and artistic richness, but also for its deep religious and social significance. This celebration, which takes place annually in the city of Oruro, is a reflection of the syncretism between indigenous traditions and Catholic influences, thus representing the identity and heritage of Bolivians.

In celebration of the Bicentennial of the Plurinational State of Bolivia 2025, the Carnival of Oruro, will be called Bicentennial Carnival, some of the characteristics is famous for its spectacular parade that lasts up to 20 hours and covers a distance of approximately 4 kilometers. This event brings together more than 28,000 dancers and 10,000 musicians who perform various traditional dances such as the Diablada, Morenada and Tinku. Each dance tells a story and reflects significant cultural aspects.

The festival was declared a “Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity” by UNESCO in 2001 and became an Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2003 and is considered a national symbol that attracts thousands of tourists each year.

Related element(s) :
Carnival of Oruro 
Celebration event on “Ichapekene Piesta”
01/07/2013 - 01/07/2013San Ignacio de Moxos
MINISTËRE DE CULTURES ET TOURISME (Bolivia (Plurinational State of))

Il s’agit de commémorer l’inscription de « l’Ichapekene Piesta, la plus grande fête de Saint Ignace de Moxos » sur la Liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanité. Les communautés interprèteront différentes danses pour célébrer le 31 juillet et organiseront une « semaine moxeña » en mettant en évidence les différents éléments de la culture de Saint-Ignace de Moxos et surtout l’Ichapekene Piesta.

Related element(s) :
Ichapekene Piesta, the biggest festival of San Ignacio de Moxos  