Sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel à travers le renforcement des capacités nationales en Asie et dans le Pacifique

  • Budget du projet :
    • 1 020 484 US$
  • Source :
    • Fonds en dépôt du Japon
  • Dates de mise en œuvre :
    • 01/11/2011 - 01/05/2014
  • Documents :
    • Sauvegarder le patrimoine culturel immatériel au travers du renforcement des capacités nationales en Asie et dans le Pacifique - Rapport final du projet 2011-2014: anglais

Pays bénéficiaire(s) : Bhoutan, Cambodge, Mongolie, Népal, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste

Résumé :

This project generously financed by the Government of Japan aimed at assisting eight countries, namely Bhutan, Cambodia, Mongolia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Sri Lanka and Timor Leste to safeguard their intangible cultural heritage through the effective implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. It aimed at building up a critical mass of experience and knowledge, both in government institutions and in civil society, so that the beneficiary countries could be equipped with an appropriate sustainable framework for safeguarding intangible heritage and implementing the Convention on a long term basis.

To that end, the project implemented an integrated strategy, including a series of workshops and activities also in the field, tailored to respond to the identified needs of each country. This project covered the core concepts of the Convention and provided the beneficiary countries with a thorough understanding of their obligations at the national level, and a substantial knowledge of the mechanisms of international cooperation established by the Convention.

Sauvegarder le patrimoine culturel immatériel au travers du renforcement des capacités nationales en Asie et dans le Pacifique - Rapport final du projet 2011-2014: anglais
© Nepali Ministry of Culture/S.Dangol - UNESCO 2014

Based on the assessed needs, themes covered includes the ratification of the Convention, its implementation at national level, community-based inventorying as well as the preparation of nominations files to the different mechanisms of the Convention, including the Urgent Safeguarding List and the Representative List.

Each beneficiary State also benefited from other safeguarding interventions tailored to its specific needs, ranging from practical experience with community-based inventorying to consultation on possible policy or legal reforms, from technical assistance to the establishment of an intangible cultural heritage management body, or individualized training for heritage managers. All in all 25 workshops were implemented in addition to three field activities in Bhutan, Cambodia and Sri Lanka, with nearly 900 participants from different institutions.

A final report of this Project financed by the Government of Japan and implemented between 2011 and 2014 is available in English in this same webpage.

Nouvelles et activités :

01/11/2011 - 01/06/2014 – Sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel à travers le renforcement des capacités nationales en RDP Lao01/08/2012 - 01/03/2014 – Renforcement des capacités nationales pour une sauvegarde efficace du patrimoine culturel immatériel en Amérique centrale
