Training of Trainers on community-based inventorying of intangible cultural heritage in Viet Nam
9 - 15 May 2016Hanoi (Viet Nam)
Misión de asesoramiento sobre políticas en Samoa
2 - 6 May 2016Apia (Samoa)
Workshop on documenting and inventorying intangible cultural heritage of the pastoralist Samburu community
13 April 2016 - 31 May 2016Arapal, Baragoi, Maralal (Kenya)
Inventorying of living heritage in Suriname
11 - 15 April 2016Paramaribo (Suriname)
Implementing the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of ICH at the National Level in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
11 - 15 April 2016Skopje (Macedonia del Norte)
Capacity building on the 2003 Convention in Guinea Bissau
4 - 9 April 2016Bissau (Guinea-Bissau)
Taller sobre el desarrollo de herramientas de política pública para la salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural inmaterial
4 - 7 April 2016Loja (Ecuador)
Workshop on Community-based inventory
9 - 19 March 2016Luanda (Angola)
Inventario de ejercicios de campo para el proyecto "Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de Aruba, Bonaire, Curazao, Saba, San...
1 March 2016 - 30 April 2016Oranjestad (Aruba)
Workshop on community-based inventorying in Fiji
3 - 11 February 2016Suva (Fiji)
Community-based inventorying workshop
24 - 31 January 2016Dubai (Emiratos Árabes Unidos)
Final workshop Cabo Verde
18 - 23 January 2016Praia (Cabo Verde)