Actividad |
Promotion measures of drum-playing rituals
26/03/2020 - 12/04/2020Baena, Córdoba
Agrupación de cofradías de Semana Santa de Baena (España)

The objective is to reach a greater promotion at a national and international scope, giving the drum-playing rituals and the Holy Week itself a greater projection.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Las tamboradas, repiques rituales de tambores 
Heritage Good Practices Journeys
04/10/2019 - 05/10/2019Alicante
School Museum of Pusol (España)

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the inclusion of the pedagogic project of the school museum of Pusol in the UNESCO Register of Good Safeguarding Practices, the school museum has organized a series of acts, such as the celebration of an encounter with good heritage practices. These journeys are provided to be performed on 4th and 5th of October 2019. The first day will take place at the Elche Congress Center, and the second day at the Pusol School Museum. Representatives of all the elements listed on the UNESCO Lists in the Valencian Community (Spain) have been invited to the journeys, as well as the Spanish heritage elements inscribed.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Centro de cultura tradicional - Proyecto pedagógico del museo escolar de Pusol 
Printed publication of the XXXI edition of the ‘Tambor’ magazine as well as the poster announcing the Tamborada 2019
15/04/2019 - 22/04/2019Hellín (Albacete)
Asociación de Peñas de Tamborileros de Semana santa de Hellín (España)
Joaquín Fernández Peñafiel

The magazine ‘Tambor’ is an annual publication that contains the different activities to the drum and the popular and cultural tradition that take place during the days of Lent and Easter in Hellín. Likewise and also annually, a poster announcing the ‘tamboradas’ that takes place during the days of Easter, especially on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays of that period is published.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Las tamboradas, repiques rituales de tambores 
Fallas de Valencia
01/03/2018 - 19/03/2018Valencia
Junta Central Fallera (España)

The Fallas Festivity takes place from the 1st to the 19th March every year in the city of Valencia. For a few days in March, the Fallas Festivity converts Valencia into an ephemeral street art museum celebrating the arrival of spring.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La fiesta de las Fallas de Valencia 
Forum ‘Flamenco y Cultura’ 2017
03/11/2017 - 30/11/2017Granada
Centro UNESCO de Andalucía (España)

‘Flamenco y Cultura’ is a project of the Delegación de Cultura Memoria Histórica y Democrática de la Diputación de Granada (local government), which proposes to consolidate an annual event of celebration, reflection and study during the month of November in which flamenco has a prominent place, with contributions from professionals, specialists in the field, artists and scholars from other disciplines.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El flamenco 
Summer Solstice Fire Festival in the Pyrenees
01/04/2016 - 31/08/2016Huesca (Sobrarbe Region)
Comarca de Sobrarbe. Sobrarbe Global Geopark (España)
Enrique Campo Sanz

The Comarca de Sobrarbe generally works on the promotion of local cultural heritage, especially World Heritage such as the Pirineos Monte Perdido and the Rock Art of the Mediterranean Basin of de Iberian Peninsula.
Now, we want to conduct several promotional activities relating to the fiesta of the Falleta, celebrated in San Juan de Plan (a village in the Sobrarbe Region), which was inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in December 2015 as Summer solstice fire festivals in the Pyrenees.
Specifically, we want to produce a new display advertisement and brochures about the Cultural Heritage of Humanity in Sobrarbe and we would like to include information about Summer solstice fire festivals in the Pyrenees. We therefore wish to include the UNESCO Logo in these new activities: brochures, promotional videos, display advertisement and on the website

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Fiestas del fuego del solsticio de verano en los Pirineos 
International Congress of Flamenco
12/11/2013 - 16/11/2013Palacio de Congresos (Conference Centre) in Cordoba - Spain
Instituto Andaluz del Flamenco (España)

The Department of Culture and Sport, through the Andalusian Institute of Flamenco, is organizing the II International Congress of Flamenco in order to highlight the importance of flamenco, not only as a culture but also as an engine for generating wealth and employment, to its promotion and its national and international spread, supporting the artists, promoting young talents and creators and encouraging the cultural industries attached to flamenco.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El flamenco 
Atelier du Langage Sifflé du patrimoine de la Gomera
14/10/2013 - 31/10/2013Couvent de Santo Domingo. San Cristébal de La Laguna (Tenerife, îles Canaries, Espagne)
Gouvernement des îles Canaries. Ministère de culture, des sports, des politiques sociales et du logement. Direction Générale de la Coopération et du Patrimoine culturel (España)
Juan Manuel Castaneda Contreras

Cet atelier propose l’élaboration d’un programme progressif et structuré en deux niveaux (niveau d’initiation et moyen), qui essaye de montrer les notions basiques sur les méthodes et les clés de l’émission du sifflement, et aussi la compréhension et production de messages sifflés à travers des expériences pratiques et actives, dans lesquelles se prouve la subtilité et l’efficacité du sifflement comme moyen de communication auxiliaire.
Le programme comprend des conférences consacrées à mettre en œuvre le langage sifflé et la structure de ce type de communication, ainsi que des techniques et pratiques de cette communication.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El Silbo Gomero, lenguaje silbado de la isla de La Gomera (Islas Canarias) 
First Flamenco Exhibition
26/09/2013 - 15/10/2013Teatro Central in Seville
Instituto Andaluz del Flamenco (España)

The department of Culture and Sport has arranged the First Flamenco Exhibition- Teatro Central which, meeting the needs of flamenco professionals to increase the availability of scenic spaces for flamenco artists and companies, will take place from September 26th to October 15th 2013.
A total of 86 shows have been submitted to the public call which closed 28th May 2013. A committee made up of professionals of flamenco shall select the program on the basis of the criteria published in the public call: career of the heading artist, innovation and commitment to new creations, suitability of the proposal for the scenic space.
The flamenco companies will be able to set the price of the tickets within the laid down limits. The price of the show will depend on box office takings achieved by flamenco companies.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El flamenco

 : español 
Les Canaries et l’Afrique. Une coopération au développement à travers le patrimoine culturel immatériel.
03/07/2013 - 11/02/2025Siège de Maison Afrique. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Îles Canaries. Espagne
Gouvernement des îles Canaries (España)
Juan Manuel Castaneda Contreras

Cette journée clôturera les activités menées dans le cadre du Projet européen CODEPA. En plus d’exposer un nombre de conclusions et un résumé du développement du projet, le Patrimoine culturel Immatériel sera évalué du point de vue de la coopération et comme moteur possible de développement des régions.

 : francés 