
Bringing education and living heritage closer together: the first global Online training of trainers course on living heritage and education ended recently

Intangible heritage during lockdown

Teaching and learning with living heritage: Lessons learnt from UNESCO-EU pilot project

Promotion measures of drum-playing rituals

Heritage Good Practices Journeys

Printed publication of the XXXI edition of the 'Tambor' magazine as well as the poster announcing the Tamborada 2019

Fallas de Valencia

Forum 'Flamenco y Cultura' 2017

New inscriptions to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

Summer Solstice Fire Festival in the Pyrenees

New inscriptions on the lists of intangible cultural heritage

Seventeen new elements inscribed on the lists of the Convention

International Congress of Flamenco

Atelier du Langage Sifflé du patrimoine de la Gomera