Periodic reporting

On Urgent Safeguarding List elements

Quinchamalí and Santa Cruz de Cuca pottery



More details 

Key references

Ratification of the Convention on

10 December 2008

Listing of ICH and Register

Quinchamalí and Santa Cruz de Cuca pottery
Quinchamalí and Santa Cruz de Cuca pottery (2022, USL)
On-going nomination(s)
  • 2025: Family tradition circus in Chile (RL)


See all projects 


Mr Jorge Francisco Rojas Goldsack<br />
Chief of the Department of Citizenship and Culture, National Council of Culture and Arts

Mr Jorge Francisco Rojas Goldsack
Chief of the Department of Citizenship and Culture, National Council of Culture and Arts

See all interviews 


Ley 17288 sobre monumentos nacionales


Extracto relativo a la exencion del impuesto territorial para monumentos historicos

More details 