5 Results that matches your search criteria romania


Report on the implementation of the Convention

olk art schools. Bilateral, sub-regional, regional and international cooperation take the form of bilateral links with Romania, Slovakia and Poland (with the last two through the Tanchaz Method of transmission, selected in 2011 for the Register of Best Safeguarding Practices). The ETNOFOLK 2011-2014 project (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Aust...

Report on the implementation of the Convention

-regional, regional and international cooperation, discussions have been held with Belarus, Lithuania, Poland and Romania, over common intangible cultural heritage elements in order to develop general and interdisciplinary approaches. Joint events (seminars, conferences) for the study and promotion of Ukrainian intangible cultural heritage elements...

Report on the implementation of the Convention

the international project ‘Carnival King of Europe’ (with Italy, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, France, and Poland). Slovenia has no elements inscribed on the lists of the 2003 Convention so far. ,...

Report on the implementation of the Convention

South Africa, Republic of Korea, United Arab Emirates, Hungary, Germany, Netherlands, Croatia, Belgium, Romania, Czech Republic, Latvia and Lithuania). Estonia has three elements on the Representative List: Kihnu cultural space (incorporated in 2008, after having been declared a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2003);...

Report on the implementation of the Convention

eld of intangible cultural heritage and is examining the use of open-air museums (with Austria, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Germany) and organized an exchange of 80 staff with two Norwegian museums. NIFC is also a member of several international non-governmental organizations. Czechia has four elements inscribed on the Representative List. The Slo...
