26 Results that matches your search criteria romania


3.GA : Accreditation of non-governmental organizations to provide advisory services to the Committee

atrului Folcloric din România si Republica Moldova / Association du Théâtre Folklorique de Roumanie et de la République de Moldavie Romania NGO-90046 Association européenne des jeux et sports traditionnels – AEJST France NGO-90106 Association Nationale Cultures et Traditions France NGO-90043 Associazione Culturale SAT...24 June 2010


19.COM 1.BUR : Examination of emergency requests for International Assistance

placed communities from Ukraine in five neighbouring countries: Hungary, Republic of Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, implemented in 2022. It involves, among other activities, a capacity-building workshop focusing on intercultural dialogue and inclusive practices, with support from cultural, psychological and methodological specialists. The w...5 March 2024

UNESCO Headquarters

18.COM 1.BUR : Examination of emergency requests for International Assistance

displaced communities from Ukraine in five neighbouring countries: Hungary, Republic of Moldova, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia’ implemented in 2022. The project focuses on safeguarding living heritage as a means of strengthening resilience, improving health and well-being, and providing a safe environment for networking among Ukrainian displaced...22 March 2023

UNESCO Headquarters

10.COM : Accreditation of new non-governmental organizations and review of accredited non-governmental organizations

e et de Folklore – SIEF / International Society for Ethnology and Folklore Netherlands NGO-90013 Uluslararası Mevlâna Vakfı / International Mevlana Foundation Turkey NGO-90143 Arunodaya kala mahila mandali India NGO-90047 Asociacion de Gestores del Patrimonio Historico y Cultural de Mazatlan, AC / Association of Heritag...4 December 2015


10.GA : Accreditation of non-governmental organizations to act in an advisory capacity to the Committee

United States of America NGO-90563 ART - Meșteșugurile Prutului ART - Prut Crafts Association Romania NGO-90577 Associação Camará Capoeira Camará Capoeira Association Brazil NGO-90543 Associação Nacional das Baianas de Acarajé, Mingau, Receptivo, e Similares National Association of Baianas of Acarajé, Mingau, Recept...12 June 2024


18.COM : Accreditation of new non-governmental organizations and review of accredited non-governmental organizations

ty United States of America NGO-90563 ART - Meșteșugurile Prutului ART - Prut Crafts Association Romania NGO-90577 Associação Camará Capoeira Camará Capoeira Association Brazil NGO-90543 Associação Nacional das Baianas de Acarajé, Mingau, Receptivo, e Similares National Association of Baianas of Acarajé, Mingau, Re...8 December 2023

