3 Results that matches your search criteria romania


Sustaining Seperu folk dance and associated practices

,Community-based teaching and learning of Ukraine’s living heritage in Romania Implemented by the Asociatia Serviciul Iezuitilor pentru Refugiati din Romania (JRS Romania), this fourteen-month project aims at safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage of Ukrainian communities temporarily displaced in Romania and seeks to raise awareness of the... Botswana

2023-08-02 - 28-02-2025

Sustaining Seperu folk dance and associated practices

placed communities from Ukraine in five neighbouring countries: Hungary, Republic of Moldova, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia’ implemented in 2022. The project focuses on safeguarding living heritage as a means of strengthening resilience, improving health and well-being, and providing a safe environment for networking among Ukrainian displaced com... Botswana

2023-08-02 - 28-02-2025

Sustaining Seperu folk dance and associated practices

aced communities from Ukraine in five neighbouring countries: Hungary, Republic of Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, implemented in 2022. It involves, among other activities, a capacity-building workshop focusing on intercultural dialogue and inclusive practices, with support from cultural, psychological and methodological specialists. The wor... Botswana

2023-08-02 - 28-02-2025
