Resolution of the General Assembly: 8.GA 8

The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined document LHE/20/8.GA/8,
  2. Recalling the 39 C/Resolution 87 of UNESCO’s General Conference (2017), which invites the Executive Board, the Director-General, and the governing bodies of UNESCO to implement the recommendations of the Open-Ended Working Group on Governance, in particular Recommendation 74, as well as Decision 14.COM 19,
  3. Thanks the States Parties that have participated in the electronic consultation for the preparation of the draft Medium-Term Strategy 2022–2029 (41 C/4) and draft Programme and Budget 2022–2025 (41 C/5) and appreciates the efforts of the Secretariat for rolling out the consultation in a timely manner and for conducting the analysis of the results;
  4. Takes note of the outcomes of the consultation and welcomes the strategic views, programmatic orientations and concrete recommendations gained through this analysis, which could guide the future work of the 2003 Convention;
  5. Stresses the importance of further strengthening linkages, collaboration and synergies with other UNESCO Conventions in the field of culture, in particular in the area of capacity building and awareness raising;
  6. Invites the Secretariat of UNESCO to consider the possibility of convening a brainstorming meeting, either in presentia or online, with national focal points of all UNESCO Conventions in the field of culture, if extrabudgetary funding is available;
  7. Requests the Secretariat to report back on the implementation of this Resolution to the next session of the General Assembly.
