The Secretary of the 2003 Convention
© ITH Section, UNESCO
25 February 2016

The Intangible Heritage Section has recently welcomed Tim Curtis as its section chief and the third Secretary of the 2003 Convention, following the retirement of Cécile Duvelle at the end of last year.
Trained with a PH.D. in cultural anthropology, Tim has worked for UNESCO since 2000, and for more than 11 years in the field, first at UNESCO Office in Dar-es-Salaam and then as head of UNESCO’s Cultural Unit in Bangkok.
When asked about how he feels about this new responsibility, the enthusiasm is clear.
“The 2003 Convention is a dynamic international tool and it has achieved a lot to this date in terms of raising visibility of ICH. Going forward I believe we still have a number of challenges to address, such as how to operationalize the Fund and the need to dig deeper into understanding what the implications of what we are doing at the global level are on communities and practitioners. The opportunity to serve the Convention at this period is an exciting professional challenge for me and I look forward to meeting and working with all the stakeholders,” Dr Curtis said.

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