The University of Northern British Columbia (UNESCO Chair on Living Heritage and Sustainable Livelihoods) together with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO and other partners organized in May 2022 a series of online ‘Conversations about Intangible Cultural Heritage’.
These conversations facilitated a national dialogue on living heritage and examined the role of the 2003 Convention in the context of Canada.
By encouraging discussions between key stakeholders from the heritage sector from across the country, the conference highlighted the importance of raising awareness of living heritage and its significance as well as the pertinence of supporting the establishment and growth of the network in Canada.
The conference also explored the theory, policy, and safeguarding practices as well as community approaches to issues relating to rupture, revival, and continuity of living heritage transmission.
The report from this conference is now available, outlining key messages and recommendations that emerged during the discussions: English| French

To date, Canada has nine NGOs accredited to act in an advisory capacity to the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and two UNESCO chairs dedicated to the safeguarding of living heritage.