La reproduction et la transmission des connaissances traditionnelles liées au terere sont caractéristiques de la vision du monde des Guaranis et constituent l’un des piliers de l’identité culturelle des Paraguayens. La pratique du terere permet l’appréciation par les nouvelles générations du riche patrimoine culturel et botanique des Guaranis, ce qui contribue au développement durable.
© Celeste Montaner
27 September 2024

This year the nineteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage will take place in Asunción, Republic of Paraguay from Monday 2 to Saturday 7 December 2024.

The provisional timetable of the Committee as well as practical information concerning this session will be presented during an information and exchange meeting in Room XI, UNESCO Headquarters on Tuesday 1 October from 3 to 5 p.m.

This session will be broadcasted through the following link.

The 2024 statutory calendar of the 2003 Convention is available here:


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