23 June 2016 International Assistance has been granted on 16 June 2016 from the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund to two countries, Lesotho and Zambia.

Lesotho will receive, for the first time, US$24,998 from the Fund to document and inventory its intangible cultural heritage in nine selected villages of Thaba-Bosiu, the country’s capital district. Capacity-building of community-based inventories for youth, practitioners and local officials, as well as awareness-raising of relevant governmental ministries, civil society, cultural associations and communities about safeguarding intangible cultural heritage, are at the core of the proposed project which will be implemented by the Lesotho National Commission for UNESCO in cooperation with the Department of Culture. Particular attention will be paid to make sure that the results of the inventory exercises in Thaba-Bosiu are included in the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Lesotho.

Zambia will also benefit from the Fund in the amount of US$ 24,928.30 to enhance the safeguarding of music and dance practices of the Lozi and Nkoya people located in Kaoma District, in the Western Province. The Zambia National Commission for UNESCO will lead the implementation of the project in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Arts with the aim to ensure the Lozi and Nkoya people’s mutual appreciation of their intangible cultural heritage and to tackle the challenges that pose a threat to its viability. The project will allow for the identification and selection of key custodians and practitioners that will be trained on community-based inventorying and the development of a community-based inventory. A showcase exhibition is also expected to highlight the sociocultural significance of this shared living heritage.

  • The 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage provides the possibility for States Parties to request international assistance for programmes and projects aimed at safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Following the sixth session of the General Assembly of the States Parties, the ceiling for the International Assistance to be examined by the Bureau was raised from US$25,000 to US$100, 000.

See form ICH-04 and its instructions from the forms page to request international assistance under the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund.
