13 September 2015 - 18 September 2015


Transmission workshop from elderly to younger Kallawayas

13 September 2015 - 18 September 2015
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Capacity-building workshop

Kallawaya healers and apprentices met in Charazani, the capital of the Bolivian province of Bautista Saavedra, from 13 to 18 September to participate in a workshop on how elders can transmit their medical knowledge and practices to younger generations for future benefit. Authorities from different Kallawaya organizations selected around 20 apprentices among Kallawaya men and women, who had already made the decision to dedicate themselves to the practice, to learn more about it. It also provided the opportunity for a UNESCO-trained facilitator to introduce the basic concepts of the 2003 Convention as an appropriate framework for the Kallawaya communities, and indigenous communities in general, to safeguard their intangible cultural heritage. Practical inventorying exercises were also involved that addressed the fundamental issue of the free, prior and informed consent of concerned communities.
This activity is part of a broader initiative on safeguarding intangible cultural heritage of Kallawaya communities carried out by the Ministry of Cultures and Tourism, the Radio and Television Training for Development Service of the Bolivian Catholic University ‘San Pablo’ and UNESCO thanks to the generous support of the Government of Japan.

