26 May 2011 - 28 May 2011


National capacity-building workshop on the implementation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention

26 May 2011 - 28 May 2011
Capacity-building workshop


Within the framework of national capacity-building strategy for the implementation of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003), the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture in partnership and the UNESCO Office in Bujumbura organized a workshop in Bujumbura from 26 to 28 May 2011. The workshop brought together 40 participants (36 Burundian delegates and two delegations from neighboring countries, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo).

The workshop focused on familiarizing participants with the Intangible Heritage Convention, its basic concepts, measures and mechanisms, recognizing that effective implementation depends upon profound knowledge and understanding of all the people involved in the safeguarding of living heritage. The workshop facilitated by M. Domitien Nizigiyimana and M. Louis Bazubwabo, two members of the network of 65 experts who participated in a training-of-trainers workshop series on how to use the UNESCO curricula specifically designed to build capacity on implementing the Convention. Currently the curriculum includes four themes: (a) ratification, (b) implementing the Convention at the national level, (c) community-based inventorying, (d) elaborating nominations to the Intangible Heritage Convention’s List.

The global capacity-building strategy put in place with the support of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund and UNESCO’s regular programme budget. Some US$7 million in extra-budgetary resources have been mobilized to implement the capacity-building strategy. This generous support was granted by the Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Flanders (Belgium), Hungary, Japan, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Spain and the United Arab Emirates. It will l continue to enjoy highest priority. It will continue to enjoy highest priority in UNESCO’s Programme.

The Bujumbura workshop is part and parcel of this important initiative.

  • Liste of participants: French
