Presentation of International Assistance for the African, Arab and Central and Eastern European regions
29 March 2022Online (-)
Bringing Living Heritage to the Classroom in Asia-Pacific to Promote Transformative Education
25 March 2022Online (Thailand)
Presentation of International Assistance for Latin America and the Caribbean
24 March 2022Online (-)
Presentation of International Assistance for the Asia and Pacific region
22 March 2022 - 22 February 2022Online (-)
Arab States region kicks-off training on periodic reporting at the Sharjah Institute for Heritage
21 - 25 March 2022Hybrid: in Sharjah and online (United Arab Emirates)
ResiliArt Webinar: Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) as a tool for ICH safety
24 February 2022Online (-)
Information session of country local focal points from the Arab region
15 February 2022Online (-)