Regional workshop: conceptual and legal frameworks for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage in the Arab region
5 - 9 May 2014Kuwait (Kuwait)
Iraq: Workshop on the Implementation of the 2003 Convention
13 - 17 April 2014Erbil (Iraq)
Workshop on community-based inventorying in Dominican Republic
31 - 6 March 2014Baní (Dominican Republic)
Joint meeting of the Bodies of the Convention
27 - 28 March 2014Paris (France)
Morocco: workshop on the implementation of the 2003 Convention
26 - 30 March 2014Agadir (Morocco)
Using Natural and Cultural Heritage in Sustainable Development – Synergy for Development
24 - 26 March 2014Bergen (Norway)
Strengthening sub-regional Cooperation and National Capacities in Seven Southern African Countries for implementing the 2003...
18 - 20 March 2014Harare (Zimbabwe)
Inventory workshop in Mauritania
5 - 12 March 2014Aleg (Mauritania)
Elaboration of nomination files to the ICH Lists in Bhutan
4 - 8 March 2014Paro (Bhutan)
Community-based inventorying to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage in western Guatemala
25 February 2014 - 4 March 2014Guatemala (Guatemala)
Elaboration of Nomination Files to the ICH List in Sri Lanka
11 - 15 February 2014Galle (Sri Lanka)
Training on the implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage at the national level...
11 - 14 February 2014Santiago de Cuba (Cuba)