23/07/2007 - 27/07/2007

The workshop, organized by UNESCO Maputo following the similar workshop organized by UNESCO Dar es Salaam in Antananarivo, aimed at designing practical tools for inventorying ICH in Portuguese speaking countries in Africa. It also included the discussion concerning the safeguarding of ICH.

The workshop consisted of the following three main activities:

  1. Presentation and discussion of conceptual and methodological issues regarding ICH, such as:
    • UNESCO’s 2003 Convention;
    • Relevant aspects of anthropological theory,
    • General methodological guidelines for cultural inventories.
    • Problems of ethics and of social responsibility in inventory making.
  2. Presentation and discussion of the “state of the arts” regarding the context(s) for which the inventory is being planned.
  3. Designing inventory tools for pre-test and delineation of basic aspects of the inventory project. The work implied taking specific project decisions concerning the following items:
    • Elaboration of a preliminary list of ICH elements, on the basis of the participants’ previous knowledge of their country’s (or region’s) cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity;
    • Identification of the domains covered by the inventory, as well as types and categories of ICH elements if applicable, which implies a critical appreciation and possible widening of the above mentioned preliminary list;
    • Delimitation of the area where the pre-test and future inventory will be undertaken,
    • A basic planning of the pre-test.

The workshop was attended by 25 participants from 4 countries: Angola (1), Cape Verde (1), Sao Tomé e Principe (1), and Mozambique (22), Dr. Antonio Augusto Arantes Neto (anthropologiest), and staff of UNESCO Maputo.
