09/05/2016 - 15/05/2016
Viet Nam

In collaboration with the Department of Cultural Heritage and aiming to support Viet Nam’s efforts in ICH inventorying, UNESCO will provide a training of national trainers who can later act as key persons in the inventorying of ICH in Viet Nam from 9 to 15 May 2016.

The training of trainers program will mainly employ the training material package on community-based ICH inventory prepared by UNESCO under its global strategy of capacity building. The training program has the specific objectives:

  • To strengthen awareness on safeguarding purpose of ICH inventorying, in line with the 2003 Convention and Law on cultural heritage;
  • To promote knowledge and practice of community-based approaches in ICH inventorying;
  • To build capacity for and establish a facility of experts, national trainers on ICH inventorying in Viet Nam.

The important objectives of ICH inventorying are to identify its values, to evaluate its viability and to propose safeguarding measures with informed consent by the local communities.

Following a seven-day training course, the participants will prepare training materials for the target localities. Depending on practical needs, they will act as national trainers in future trainings and in conducting inventories in provinces and cities.
