2 June 2003 - 14 June 2003


Third session of the Intergovernmental Meeting of Experts on the Preliminary Draft Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

2 June 2003 - 14 June 2003
Expert meeting

The third session was held at UNESCO Headquarters from 2 to 14 June 2003. 249 participants representing 103 Member States took part in the meeting, as well as ten experts from UNESCO’s three permanent observation missions and representatives of two intergovernmental organizations and five non-governmental organizations (for a list of participants, see Annex III).
This being a continuation of the work of the first and second sessions of the Group of Experts (September 2002 and February 2003), the Chairperson (Mr Bedjaoui - Algeria), the four Vice-chairs (Mr Scovazzi - Italy, Mr Berke - Hungary, Mr Kim - Republic of Korea and Mr Yai - Benin) and the Rapporteur (Mr Barrios - Bolivia) were confirmed in their functions; Mr Berke was replaced by Mr Soòs for this 3rd session).

Secretariat report (CLT-2003/CONF.206/4) (English)

Working documents

  • Third session of the first intergovernmental meeting of experts on the preliminary draft convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage
    CL/3669: English
  • Report of the Second session
    CLT-2003/CONF.205/6: English|French
  • Consolidated preliminary draft convention for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage
    CLT-2003/CONF.206/2: English|French
  • Report of the Intersessional Working Group of governmental experts
    CLT-2003/CONF.206/3: English|French
  • Agenda
    CLT-2003/CONF.206/5: English-French
  • Rules of Procedure
    CLT-2003/CONF.206/6: English|French

Information documents

  • Practical information note
    CLT-2003/CONF.206/INF.1: English-French
  • List of working documents
    CLT-2003/CONF.206/INF.2: English-French
  • Note of the Secretariat regarding the cooperation between UNESCO and OMPI
    CLT-2003/CONF.206/INF.3: English|French
  • Provisional List of Participants
    CLT-2003/CONF.206/INF.4: English-French
