01/09/1998 - 16/06/2024

This seminar was organized in Joensuu in September 1998 on the basis of fifteen responses received by the organizing group to a questionnaire on the application of the Recommendation. Experts from fourteen countries took part in the seminar. The responses suggested that the main areas to be covered by the seminar should be:

  • the legal protection of the intangible heritage of minority cultures;
  • the protection and promotion of national and local languages;
  • the revival of traditional and popular forms of expression;
  • the use of new technologies, visual images, Internet, etc., in relation to this heritage; and
  • the evolution of culture and its future.

Outline papers were delivered on four thematic areas: problems of culture, cultural heritage, new technologies, and cultural evolution.

Certain points were raised concerning a general view of life in contemporary Western Europe and the role of traditional culture and folklore within it. These points allowed for certain conclusions to be drawn that will help in the future development of both European and global heritage policies. These conclusions included the following:

  • In a rapidly changing world, traditional culture and folklore are becoming essential for the preservation of the identity and diversity of European cultural heritage.
  • Issues relating to this heritage are normally handled on the national level with regional and local aspects taken into consideration.
  • All the countries of the region have good archives and museums of traditional culture offering free access, and most also have rich private collections.
  • The preservation and dissemination of culture is fairly well organized, and traditional culture is taught in schools in most countries.

Traditional culture and folklore have a great popularity today in terms of festivals, concerts, seminars, etc., and have become one of the most important features of culture today.

  • The media are now showing an interest in this aspect of culture.
