18 March 2008 - 19 March 2008


Inter-departmental Meeting on the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

18 March 2008 - 19 March 2008
Port Moresby
Papua New Guinea
Workshop (not CB strategy)

The Minister of Culture of Papua New Guinea, Hon. Charles Abel, with some of the participants

The objective of the inter-departmental meeting was to bring together all the governmental actors involved in the ratification procedure by Papua New Guinea of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

During the sub-regional meeting in the Pacific on the 2003 Convention, organized in Nadi, Fiji in December 2007, several participating States, including Papua New Guinea, requested assistance from UNESCO in preparing the ratification and implementation of the 2003 Convention in the Pacific. The Director General of UNESCO, during his official visit to Papua New Guinea in February 2008, affirmed UNESCO’s readiness to fully assist the Government through the organization of a national consultation meeting.

Through the meeting organized with the support of Japanese Funds in Trust, UNESCO provided the Government with assistance necessary to present a proposal for the ratification of the 2003 Convention at the National Parliament. The meeting also aimed at reinforcing capacity of governmental officers in the field of culture as well as stakeholders concerned in participating at the international level in the implementation of the Convention, in particular through the submission of intangible heritage elements for inscription on the lists of the Convention and the submission of international assistance requests.

  • Meeting venue: Crown Plaza Hotel, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
  • Agenda (English)
  • List of participants (English)
  • Speeches
    Hon. Charles Abel MP, Minister for Culture and Tourism of Papua New Guinea (English)
    Dr. Jacob Simet, National Cultural Commission of Papua New Guinea (English)
  • Presentations
    International Treaty Making Procedures in Papua New Guinea, by Mr Fred Sarufa (English)
    State of legislation for the safeguarding of Papua New Guinea Intangible Cultural Heritage, by Mr Hale Lahui (English)
  • Conclusion (English)
