Decision of the Bureau: 5.COM 1.BUR 3

The Bureau,

  1. Recalling Article 23 of the Convention,
  2. Further recalling chapter 1.1 of the Operational Directives related to the inscription of intangible cultural heritage elements on the Urgent Safeguarding List and 2.2 related to international Assistance,
  3. Having examined the requests for Preparatory Assistance no. 00355 from Nicaragua for ‘Oral traditions and expressions of Rama people’, no. 00483 from Viet Nam for ‘Xoan singing of Phú Thọ province’, no. 00484 from Mali for ‘Secret society of Korèdugaw, the rite of wisdom, in Mali’, no. 00485 from Guatemala for ‘Ceremonial de la Paach’ and
    00487 from Mauritania for ‘Moorish epic T’Heydinn’,
  4. Approves, as authorized body, the following requests for Preparatory Assistance for elaborating a nomination for inscription in the Urgent Safeguarding List:
  • from Nicaragua for ‘Oral traditions and expressions of Rama people’ for an amount of US$9,695;
  • from Viet Nam for ‘Xoan singing of Phú Thọ province’ for an amount of US$6,000;
  • from Mali for ‘Secret society of Korèdugaw, the rite of wisdom, in Mali’ for an amount of US$8,500;
  • from Guatemala for ‘Ceremonial de la Paach’ for an amount of US$8,000;
  • from Mauritania for ‘Moorish epic T’Heydinn’ for an amount of US$9,800.
