The Bureau,
- Recalling Article 17 of the Convention,
- Further recalling chapter 1.1 of the Operational Directives concerning the Urgent Safeguarding List and Decision 3.COM 10 of the Committee,
- Having examined Document ITH/09/4.COM 2.BUR/4 Rev. and its annex,
- Appoints the following as examiners for the Urgent Safeguarding List nominations following the accelerated timetable for 2009 inscriptions:
Belarus |
Rite of the Kalyady Tsars (Christmas Tsars) 00308 |
(Examiner): ● Lietuvos liaudies kultūros centras / Lithuanian Folk Culture Centre – LLKC
- Slovenské centrum pre tradicnú kultúru / Slovak Centre of Traditional Culture
(Alternate): ● CIOFF България / CIOFF Bulgaria / CIOFF Bulgarie
China |
Traditional Li textile techniques: spinning, dyeing, weaving and embroidering 00302 |
(Examiner): ● Craft Revival Trust - CRT
- Edric Liang Bin Ong
(Alternate): ● Michael C. Howard
China |
Traditional design and practices for building Chinese wooden arch bridges 00303 |
(Examiner): ● Goa Heritage Action Group
- Ronald G. Knapp
(Alternate): ● Federatie van Vlaamse Historische Schuttersgilden / Federation of Flemish Historical Guilds
China |
Maxirap 00304 |
(Examiner): ● Chun In-Pyong
- Rachel Harris
(Alternate): ● Jean During
China |
Qiang New Year festival 00305
(Examiner): ● Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO - ACCU
- Regional Resource Centre for Folk Performing Arts (UDUPI)
(Alternate): ● Erik Mueggler
France |
The Cantu in paghjella: a secular and liturgical oral tradition of Corsica 00315
(Examiner): ● Associazione Musa - Musiche, Canti e Danze tradizionali delle Quattro Province / Musa Association - Music, Songs and Traditional Dances from "Four Provinces"
- Ignazio Macchiarella
(Alternate): ● Caroline Bithell
Kenya |
Traditions and practices associated to the Kayas in the sacred forests of the Mijikenda 00313 |
(Examiner): ● Harriet Deacon
- Susan Keitumetse
(Alternate): ● Organisation pour la promotion des médecines traditionnelles - PROMETRA
Latvia |
Suiti cultural space 00314 |
(Examiner): ● Christopher Moseley
- Stiftelsen Râdet for folkemusikk og folkedans / Foundation Norwegian Council for Traditional Music and Traditional Dance
(Alternate): ● John Miles Foley
Mali |
The Sanké mon: collective fishing rite of the Sanké pond 00289
(Examiner): ● International Social Sciences Council - ISSC / Conseil international des sciences sociales - CISS
- Mary Jo Arnoldi
(Alternate): ● Gérard Kedrebeogo
Mongolia |
Mongol Tuuli: Mongolian epic 00310
(Examiner): ● Chao Gejin
- Ngo Duc Thinh
(Alternate): ● Alma B. Kunanbaeva
Mongolia |
Mongol Biyelgee: Mongolian traditional folk dance 00311
(Examiner): ● Peter K. Marsh
- Tamil Nadu Rural Art Development Centre
(Alternate): ● Stiftelsen Râdet for folkemusikk og folkedans / Foundation Norwegian Council for Traditional Music and Traditional Dance
Mongolia |
Traditional music of the Tsuur 00312
(Examiner): ● Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO - ACCU
- Mark Van Tongeren
(Alternate): ● Peter K. Marsh
Viet Nam |
Ca trù singing 00309 |
(Examiner): ● Barley Norton
- International Council for Traditional Music - ICTM / Conseil international de la musique traditionnelle - CIMT
(Alternate): ● Yoshitaka Terada