Las canciones que me cantan mi abuela y mi abuelo. “The songs that my grandparents sing me”
This project seeks to allow children to deepen and expand their links with the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH), particularly with the songs that are part of the local oral tradition. This initiative was developed by Gaticine as a request from UNESCO Chile, in collaboration with Fundación Olivo, in the framework of the anniversary of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the ICH (2003). Through a pedagogical program of research and documentary filmmaking, students from an educational establishment in San Francisco de Mostazal (a commune that is the cradle of outstanding human singing of the human and divine songs and rural music), will have the mission to collect and disseminate songs that are an expression of the traditional oral culture of their locality, by means of a short film of their own making. By this way, are expected to achieve the necessary learning for the research, collection and research, collection and safeguarding of the ICH.
Watch the videos on Youtube: