ICOM SEE Annual Conference
ICOM SEE 16/17-10-2023 Bucharest (Romania)

ICOM SEE Annual Conference

ICOM South East Europe (ICOM SEE) is pleased to announce its annual conference, which will be held in Bucharest, Romania on 16 and 17 October 2023. The conference theme is aligned with the International Museum Day 2023 theme “Museums, Sustainability and Wellbeing”. The aim of the conference is to explore the relationship between museums, sustainability and wellbeing, and to discuss how museums can contribute to a more sustainable and content society, thus including the topics of food heritage, tangible and intangible heritage.

Museums have a unique role to play in promoting sustainability and wellbeing. As cultural institutions, museums have the ability to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable development and to encourage visitors to adopt more sustainable lifestyles – taking it step by step. Museums can also contribute to the wellbeing of individuals and communities by providing opportunities for learning, social interaction, and personal growth.
The conference will provide a platform for sharing best practices, research findings, and innovative ideas related to museums, sustainability, and wellbeing. We welcome proposals for papers, presentations, and workshops from museum professionals, academics, and researchers.

Within the ICOM SEE Annual Conference, one day programme will be dedicated to celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
17th October 2003 UNESCO adopted Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which mean a great step in safeguarding and understanding the world heritage. ICOM is important partner in this initiative and many projects and programs are dedicated to the promotion of the understanding of all aspects of ICH, with building capacities and developing the idea of ICH (General Conference 2004, IMD, supporting the International Journal of ICH, …).

ICOM SEE presented an proposal for official International day of ICH at the 2nd China-Central and Eastern European countries Expert-Level Forum on Safeguarding of the ICH in Hangzhou, China, 2018. Forum accepted this initiative with a great support. We developed this topic also in the conference ICOM SEE organized 2019 in Zagreb with the title ICH as a challenge for management and collection policy. In 2021 we send the proposal to ICOM secretariat the adoption of this international day.

Conference programme:
Monday, 16 October 2023
10.00—10.30 Welcome
10.30 Greetings by Alenka Černelič Krošelj (ICOM SEE President), Virgil Ştefan Niţulescu (Manager at National Museum of the Romanian Peasant)
10.45 Keynote speech – Dr Kaja Širok, ICOM Executive board member
11.15 Q&A
11.30—12.00 Coffee break
12.—13.30 1st Panel: Museums, Sustainability and Wellbeing (Museums and Sustainable development goals), moderator: Urška Purg
13.30—15.00 Lunch break
15.00—16.30 2nd Panel: Food is what connects us
17.00 – 18.30 Museum visit
19.00 Evening reception

Tuesday, 17 October 2023 – Celebrating 20 Years of Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
10.30 Looking ahead: Alenka Černelič Krošelj, ICOM SEE
10.50 Keynote speech: Matija Dronjić
11.20 Q&A
11.30—12.00 Coffee Break
12.00—13.30 3rd Panel: Make Intangible Tangible for all
13.30—13.45 Discussion and conclusion
14.00—15.00 Lunch
Optional: Museum visits
