Gajdovačka 23 Medzinárodný gajdošský festival - Bagpipe festival
Obec Oravská Polhora 13/17-09-2023 Orava (Slovakia)

Gajdovačka 23 Medzinárodný gajdošský festival - Bagpipe festival

Gajdovačka presents, protects, and expands the unique Slovak bagpipe culture, which is inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of UNESCO. The festival takes place in the picturesque village of Oravská Polhora, home to the European Centre of Bagpipe Culture. Situated in the northernmost corner of Slovakia, this region has preserved ancient forms of Goral culture in their natural environment. Each year, the largest bagpipe festival showcases over 100 bagpipers from across Europe.

This year’s celebration of the Convention 20th anniversary adds an extra layer of significance to the festivities, emphasizing the importance for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage! The festival offers a diverse range of activities, including music-dance stage programs, international playing and singing competitions, presentations of musical instruments, playing and singing workshops, chamber concerts, exhibitions, lectures, and bagpipe Masses.
