A videoclip in support of the 20th anniversary of the 2003 Convention
In order to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, the UNESCO-accredited NGO Associazione Sant’Antuono & le Battuglie di Pastellessa with Pastellesse Sound Group “I bottari di Macerata Campania”, based in Macerata Campania (Italy), will present the videoclip of the song “Guardate Attuorno”, written by Donato Capuano, re-proposing the ancient “Music of Sant’Antuono” performed with barrels, vats and scythes, that is an identifying element of the Community of Macerata Campania (Italy). Guest in the audio-visual production is the “La Barca di Teseo” Association based in San Nicola la Strada (Italy), which proposes the dance on the drum typical of the Campania Region (Italy).
In the creation of the videoclip, Caserta (Italy) will be used as a location, with the San Leucio Complex – which together with the 18th-Century Royal Palace at Caserta included in the UNESCO World Heritage List – and the enchanting medieval village of Casertavecchia, creating a strong link between territory and living heritage, underlining the ICH encounter between different communities.
The purpose of the activity is to educate and raise awareness among new generations of the ICH values and the importance of the safeguarding according to the 2003 Convention principles, while promoting the contribution of living heritage to sustainable development, in a song and dance celebration that represent the uppermost cultural masterpiece that has stood the test of time. The videoclip, which will be uploaded to YouTube and will remain available even at the end of the activity, will be presented online on the NGO’s channels.