10/20 years of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Double Anniversary of the 2003 Convention in Germany
UNESCO’s General Conference on October 17, 2003, in Paris adopted the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which the Federal Republic of Germany ratified ten years later, on April 10, 2013. In 2023, we thus celebrate the 20th anniversary of the international treaty as well as the 10th anniversary of its implementation in Germany. Conferences, exhibitions and further activities will be held in honour of this occasion at various locations, both nationally and internationally, to highlight the importance of the practitioner communities, strengthen cultural heritage networks and promote creativity.
The launch event of this anniversary year took place on March 2, 2023, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at the tanzhaus nrw in Düsseldorf. The event was aimed at cultural heritage practitioners, representatives of cultural policy, cultural administration and non-governmental organizations, researchers, students as well as other interested parties. It intended to explore and communicate ways in which the goals of the Convention, the safeguarding and appreciation of intangible cultural heritage as well as international cooperation, can be achieved ever more effectively. The programme included presentations on the status of the implementation of the 2003 Convention, on cultural law and a case study from China. This was followed by a panel and plenary discussion and workshops on topics such as intangible cultural heritage and migration, crafts, transmission of knowledge and skills - especially to and by young people.
Text as provided by the organiser(s).