جمعية السدو التعاونية للحرف اليدوية


Contact: +965 22 43 23 95
Postal address: Sadu House, Qibla, Arabian gulf st., BLK 15 P.O.box 5742 SAFAT 13057 Kuwait City
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise: Kuwait

URL: https://www.alsadu.org.kw

Year of creation: 1991

Safeguarding measures:

- identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal education
- revitalization
- other
- Innovation and contemporory creative expression of the traditional craft.


1• Safeguarding Kuwait’s textile and weaving heritage for posterity. 2• Promoting Kuwait’s traditional Sadu weaving at the local and international levels. 3• Providing knowledge, research, and info for researchers, artists, and cultural organizations. 4• Training and capacity building in the field of textiles and weaving heritage. 5• Developing and innovating the craft in its contemporary setting. 6. Honoring and raising awareness about the textile heritage of Kuwait and its community. 7. Cooperating and collaborating with the Kuwaiti public and private educational institutions, and UN agencies to educate through "Train theTrainers" programs.