Fundación Bahía de Portobelo - FBP


Contact: +507 204-5710 / +507 6673-7726
Postal address: Barrio Triana 10th, Portobelo City, Colon Province / PO Box 0843-00032, Ancon, Panama City
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise: Panama


To be a world reference in providing relevant information, certified training and technological tools to disseminate and safeguard the elements of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Design, implement and evaluate actions, models and programs to disseminate and safeguard the elements of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Year of creation: 2007

Safeguarding measures:

- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal education
- revitalization

Main areas of work related to the Convention:

The Portobelo Bay Foundation (FBP) has played an increasingly important role in the socioeconomic development of the Portobelo population through the promotion of art, culture and social and environmental sustainability. Committed to improving the quality of life of the community with programmes that seek – in particular – community development (economic, social and environmental) through culture and creative industries currently provides two main services: 1. The Little Rhythm School (LER) 2. The House of Congo Culture

Relevant projects and initiatives

• “XOCOTZIN: Remarkable kid”: Elementary school program focused on
identify, value and disseminate elements of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
in their locality.
• CREATIVE. A commercial strategy to decolonize crafts and promote
intellectual property, brands and licensing of products and services.
• ULAMA. Supporting the first massive sport in the world with 3,500 years of
practice in Mexico: The rubber ball game.


Dedicated to the rescue and conservation of Historical Heritage, to promote musical education and artistic training through the establishment of a music school in the city of Portobelo so that it will contribute directly to the cultural and environmental development of Portobelo. Promote, enhance, and disseminate knowledge of the history of Portobelo, complying with the legal guidelines that regulate the matter of Historical Heritage of the Nation