Conseil international des monuments et des sites - ICOMOS
FranceContact: +33(0) 1 41 94 17 59
Postal address: 11, rue du Séminaire de Conflans 94220 Charenton-le-Pont
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise:
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Improving the sustainable conservation, protection, use and enhancement of the world’s cultural heritage through building a solid philosophical, doctrinal and managerial framework for all types of cultural heritage places, including the ICH relating
Foster the development of common doctrines, the evolution and circulation of knowledge, the creation of improved conservation techniques, and the promotion of cultural heritage significance and, through its International Committee of of Intangible
Safeguarding measures:
- identification, documentation,
research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal
- revitalization
- other
- protection of places,
sites or landscapes in order to ensure
conservation of ICH values; recognition
of traditional practices and systems of
conservation (often in themselves
important aspects of ICH)
Main areas of work related to the Convention:

Relevant projects and initiatives

© Egor Myznik
Development of an ICH charter for ICOMOS as well as fostering national and
international standards of ICH practice in relationship to cultural heritage places.
• Develop formats and standards for inventorying ICH, taking into account good
safeguarding practices developed by the Secretariat and NGOs of the 2003 ICH Convention.
• ICOMOS and its Committees organise webinars, symposia and sessions related to ICH.
• ICOMOS-ICICH members have actively participated in the Culture-Nature Journey,
a joint ICOMOS/International Union for Conservation of Nature initiative exploring and documenting the interconnections of natural and cultural values.
• Provide advice on the role of intangible attributes in the significance and values of
cultural heritage sites to entities in charge of their safeguarding and management.